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Thursday, 8 December 2016

TBC(The Billion Coin) for sale at a cheap rate....

TBC for sale at the cheapest of rates.
Call/Whatsapp- 08124877671 to buy or to get more information about it...


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  1. Hello everyone,TBC for sell at a cheaper rate of 1000 naira per coin bulk buyers with a discount. ca1l or whatsapp on

    1. Hello everyone,TBC for sell at a cheaper and bulk buyers with a discount. ca1l or whatsapp on

  2. Tbc for sale at 10k+ and above.. Call or WhatsApp me on 08066925266..

  3. We are living in a computer age, a digital world. The world is more and more data driven as everything is fast moving online. It is the right and a high time you should get a long or you personally choose to be left out to face obscurity because, that’s the future trend. Whether you like it or not, the fact remains that you cannot change it. So, it is necessary that you become part of this development before it too late.

    The Billion Coin is the business of our time, and you can’t effort to miss out of the opportunity for both the rich and the poor to invest in Cryptocurrency, the next Bitcoin. For example, Richard Branson has invested over $600,000,000 in cryptocurrency, Bill Gate over $400, 000,000 and Mark Zargaberg of Facebook also, has invested over $2000,000,000 in cryptocurrency. Why? because they all know that digital currency is the KEY and away forward. In other word, the rich are getting into it and you don’t have to lay off this chances by also thinking smart. Contact Mr Simon on whatsapp +2348106736531 or at an affordable price

  4. TBC The billion coin for sale at 800 naira only call me on 08100612408 if you are interested

  5. Hello everyone,TBC for sell at a cheaper and bulk buyers with a discount. ca1l or whatsapp on

  6. Tbc for sale at 200 naira only contact me if you are interested via whatsapp at 08128057533 and 08100612408 for calls. wallets containing 100,200,500 and 1000 tbc available too at good rates.

    1. Do you have those wallets if so call me on 08124877671 let's get it from you


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