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Saturday, 26 November 2016

How to make money with BitCoin

You don't always get opportunities, so stick to it when you still have it
Dear Friend,

Consider yourself extremely lucky to be born in this digital and internet revolution age. However, it will be better for one not to ve been born than not to be connected to this incredible internet digital or E-currency revolution!

Have you ever heard of Cryptocurrency & HIGH FLYING BITCONNAIRES?
If you say "No" then you must be living in a remote village and in no way connected to the internet world.... and you're are missing a monster asset. Perhaps u have heard of it but still skeptical or doubting it's possibility.... then u are beyond all hope!

A Brief History
Bitcoin (BTC) was launched in 2009 as the first decentralized cryptocurrency in history, with 1 BTC selling for $0.50. With $1000USD back then, you will comfortably purchase 185,000BTC. It will interest you to know that today, 1BTC is worth $720, and whoever have 185,000BTC (that could be bought with $1000 in 2009) will be worth $133,200,000 ( *That's a whooping N66. 600Billion* ).

With that you will agree with me that this is the most profitable money making deal or investment ever.
Investing in Cryptocurrency is 100times more profitable than doing online fraud (Yahoo Yahoo) or dealing drugs... Yet it's 100% legal!

Some FAQ'S 
1. What Are Bitcoins?
The Bitcoin is a form of currency without notes and coins, it is a digital currency.

2. Who Developed The Idea Of Bitcoins?
The concept of Bitcoins was developed by Satoshi Nakamoto, who resides in total anonymity. He is said to be from Japan but his mail ID was from Germany, plus the bitcoin software was not available in Japanese. He developed the system and the Bitcoin software (that is used to run the system) in 2009 but disappeared into thin air in 2010.

The other developers of the system stopped hearing from him in 2010, and plenty of speculation turned up about his real identity. Some even suggested that his name was just a mashup of popular Japanese companies — SAmsung TOSHIba NAKAmichi MOTOrola. But what he created was definitely the fantasy of every tech guy in the world.

3. What Is So Special About the Bitcoin System?
The Bitcoin is a system which allows you to do anonymous currency transactions and no one will come to know about the payment or about all other info related to the payment, including who sent it, who received it, etc.

Satoshi did it by making the system – a peer-to-peer network – controlled by no central authority but run by a network of contributors and freedom enthusiasts, who donated their time and energy to this innovation. Essentially, people can do money transactions and no authority or organization will come to know about it.

Satoshi Nakamoto was so talented that he even solved the problem of double spending of digital currency in his system.

4. How do you use Bitcoins then?
Bitcoins are kept in a digital wallet which you can keep in your computer, or on a website online, which will manage and secure your wallet for you. You can have as many wallets and bitcoin addresses (where you receive money from others) as you like.

What’s more, you can use Bitcoin software on top of Tor to prevent anyone from tracking your IP address – total anonymity guaranteed!

5. How many people are using this?
At this very moment, 10.71 million Bitcoins are in existence, which is like 207.929 million USD worth! In fact, the Canadian government is working on their own crypto-currency, named MintChip. (a glance:)

6.  How Do I Acquire Bitcoins?
Using and getting Bitcoins is really easy. There are various ways to get Bitcoins:

‘Mining’Currency exchange (bitcoin in return for Dollars or Euros) via bitcoin provider services like
Or buy from trusted dealers like myself or naira4dollar
 I suggest you open your wallet with blockchain

Most people who doubt the possibility of bitcoin 9years ago and call it scam couldn't afford to buy bitcoin anymore now that the reality is down on them and they area regretting it for life. If you are one of those, wipe your tears because here I will help you to make millions with our the two (2) 100% REAL strategy I have.

1. COINN - This is a really great way of making bitcoin on an hourly basis.
In this you deposit any amount of bitcoin (Minimum=0.001bitcoin) and then you would be paid 0.15%hourly forever, which is about 108% montly for a LIFETIME.
And this earnings can be withdraw to your bitcoin wallet anytime you want even it is per 1 hour.
To join this forum CLICK HERE

For example if I deposit 1.0 btc, per hour I'll be given 0.15%, per day it would be 3.6% and in about a month it would be 108% which is about 1.1% in just a month.
And this earnings would continue like that for lifetime...

2. ZARFUND- This is a really huge investment platform which turns your one time 0.03 bitcoin investment into a huge 125 bitcoin in less than 3 months.

Here comes the big question

What is Zarfund?
ZARFUND is a Person-To-Person Direct Donation Platform.

The system was designed in such a way that it can be used by Fund raisers, such as Charities, Schools, Clubs, non-profits, family, and personal financial needs etc.

The donations are NOT collected by the Administrator, nor are they automated by the system, rather donations are sent directly and personally from one member to another member, from one member’s Bitcoin Wallet to another member’s Bitcoin Wallet.

Who is the founder of Zarfund?
The founder of Zarfund is Hannes Jordaan. He is from South Africa and has started this company for the sole purpose of helping people like you and me to succeed in making money online. From what I can see so far, it is working very well. You can read more about Hannes.

Now you would ask  me how is bitcoins and zarfund related?
Bitcoins is a universally accepted e-currency used for the payment of goods and services

Zarfund chooses to use the bitcoins cos of it's universal acceptability and d fact dat it has maintained a constant appreciation in value owing to more demand as businesses populated e-business space

 *What are the positives with Zarfund?*

1.No admin fees and no admin handling any money.
2.Only one currency accepted
3.No chance of being scammed out of money.
4.Easy and low cost start up.

Any negatives with Zarfund?
The only thing that could be a deterrent to someone is the fact that you must promote your link in order to get your 2 referrals and if a person is not familiar doing this it could be a bit difficult.
That being said your upline sponsor should help you with that so you can get your 2 referrals.
But that has been dealt with, if you register under Zarfund HERE, we would refer people to you automatically in less than a week. So NO MORE STRESS in looking for refferals as we would help you with that.

  My final thoughts about Zarfund. After seeing how this system works I am confident that you can make money with Zarfund.

It surely cannot be a scam as no admin has anything to do with the money. And the lost cost to start is very appealing. I would recommend this system to those who are looking to succeed in making money online without the possibility of being scammed.

So finally this is how it works....

Register and pay 0.03BTC. Automatically get 2 bitcoin users.
Level1⃣Get 2x0.03= 0.06BTC (0.06btc = $37.37
(Upgrade with 0.05)
Level2⃣Get 4x0.05= 0.2 BTC. (0.2btc = $124.55)
(Upgrade with 0.1 BTC)
Level3⃣U get 8x0.1= 0.8 BTC. (0.8btc = $498.19)
(Upgrade with 0.2 BTC)
Level4⃣U get 16x0.2BTC= 3.2 BTC. (3.2btc = $1993)
(Upgrade with 1 BTC)
Level5⃣U get 32x1BTC= 32 BTC. (32btc = $19,928.68)
(Upgrade with 2 BTC)
Level6⃣U get 64x2BTC= 128 BTC. (128btc = $79,705.77)
Note : After joining you have only 24 hrs to upgrade your account with 0.03 btc, Failure to comply the individual will be blocked from the system automatically.
pls ensure to upgrade within 24 hrs..

In other words, when you register you would be asked to donate 0.03 bitcoin automatically to someone. After which you would be added to ourent group in which we would refer 2 people to do the same to you making you have 0.06 bitcoin.
Note: This bitcoin is going to be transferred directly to your Blockchaineeds wallet.
After that you could also continue and earn more.

For more details or questions call, text or chat me up on this number +234 08124877671 or Email me


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  1. Wow... Nice plan. I'm in for this

  2. Yes, this is real...
    I also joined about a month ago and I must say that this is the REAL DEAL

  3. Yes, this bitcoin is really a way to get rich.
    If you haven't started with Zarfund better do so now, before its too late....

  4. Yes. It is thanks for your comments guys

  5. I have also invested 1.0 bitcoin in coinn and I'm reaLlysfaen enjoying the interests. I sell the about 1.05 bitcoin they give me montly and use the money to do somethings.

    This is a really great plan

  6. we have tripled over 800 Bit-coins in just 5 months, now is the time for you to invest and triple your bit-coins. Visit for more information


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