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Sunday, 17 January 2016

1st Year Anniversary Of Jeroid Reporters BLOG

Gooday prestigious and awesome viewers of this exemplary and wondrous BLOG. I'm very happy today. But before I proceed with my main purpose of writing this post I'll like to thank all regular viewers and upcoming regular viewers of my BLOG Jeroid Reporters from countries all around the world. I also want to thank the viewers of this BLOG who try to comment on some of the posts I really appreciate your effort. Moving on to the main purpose of writing this post; Guess What???
Jeroid Reporters WOULD BE A YEAR OLD ON FEBRUARY 20TH 2016.  Though this BLOG
first post was on February 20th 2016. Though this is not the real time Jeroid Reporters™ started but this is the time Jeroid Reporters BLOG started running. I started from only tweeting news then I moved to F.B page before I started blogging. Yeah!!  Yes you saw that well... 
Though this is an important part of my Blogging career and due to this I'll be more devoted and try to post more often than before, also I'll try to train myself to be better in terms of writing, interactive, attractive post skills. Though I know I've grown in my Blogging skills better than when I started which was when I was 13 years old. Though I'm young I hope I will be able to present you with the best possible well structured post on my BLOG. I'll also like to request for your continuous support and well structured comments on posts on this BLOG. Please if you have any questions, opinions e.t.c please comment on this post or contact me via the following channel:
BBM: 566313F3
Twitter&Instagram: @jeroidreporters
Facebook: Jeremiah Mayowa
Thanks for your support
                                  Yours Faithfully,
            Adedunni Jeremiah Mayowa.

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